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Effective Storytelling for Design/Build Contractors Content Marketing

Updated: Feb 16

Effective content marketing for businesses and consumers of commercial design/build contractor services often utilizes storytelling to engage and connect with the audience on an emotional level. Stories help create a deeper connection and make the content more memorable.

Content Marketing Webinar for AEC.

Content Marketing For Businesses Offering Design and Build Services

Project Chronicles: Tell the story of a particularly challenging project from inception to completion. Highlight the obstacles faced, the creative solutions devised, and the impact on the client and end users. Include photos, videos, and quotes from team members involved.

Architectural Evolution: Share the journey of a specific building or space that underwent a major transformation. Discuss the historical significance, design choices, and technical challenges. Use visuals like "before" and "after" photos to illustrate the narrative.

Innovator Profiles: Profile influential architects, designers, or construction professionals who have left a mark on the industry. Share their personal stories, career trajectories, and the innovative projects they've been a part of.

Client Success Stories: Interview clients who have experienced exceptional outcomes from your services. Let them share their perspective on how your design and build solutions positively impacted their businesses, cultures, and operations.

Content Marketing For Consumers Seeking Design and Build Services

Office Transformation Journeys: Document the transformation of a business's workspace through design and construction. Follow the process from the initial consultation to the final unveiling, capturing employee reactions and insights.

Sustainable Spaces in Action: Showcase businesses that have embraced sustainable design practices and share how it has positively affected their operations and values. Feature interviews with business owners and employees.

Employee Experience Stories: Share narratives from employees who work in the redesigned spaces. Highlight their experiences, productivity improvements, and how the new environment contributes to their well-being.

Business Growth Chronicles: Narrate the story of a company that expanded its operations and needed to adapt its physical space accordingly. Discuss the challenges faced during the growth phase and how the design and build process facilitated expansion.

By weaving storytelling into your design/build contractors content marketing, you humanize the industry, making it relatable and inspiring for your target audience. These stories not only engage on an emotional level but also provide practical insights and solutions that can guide businesses and consumers in their respective roles.

Jay Holland is the publisher of Archidoodles

Jay Holland is the publisher of Archidoodles with over 40 years of experience as a builder, developer, investor, consultant, marketer, and broker for commercial properties ranging from raw land to urban mixed-use developments. He has been a pioneer in the development and use of digital media, databases, and related cutting-edge publishing tools for the promotion of both properties and services within the design, build, and operating disciplines. You can contact him at


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